The Recipe for a Strong and Healthy Long-Distance Relationship


When we hear of Long Distance Relationship, some of us get all panicky especially the clingy lovers. In romantic relationships, whether it is sexual, asexual, independent, codependent or even open relationship, the feeling of having your significant other close to you is imperative to the health and effectiveness of that relationship.
Sexual intimacy is not the only reason why people in a romantic relationship gets affected by the absence of their partner. Easy communication, conflict resolution, creation of physical connection, and being able to easily share vulnerability to one another are other reasons why romantic partners should not be out of each other’s reach.
Distance they say is never a barrier but is this true in relationships? A form of romantic relationship where the two people involved stay physically far apart from each other is what a Long distance relationship mean. People who like their own space and appreciate more of their own company are likely to find this kind of relationship easy. While others find it tough trying to put up with this barrier.
Keeping the sparks of a long distance relationship alive is somewhat difficult due to its high maintenance demands. However, not maintaining this spark at all tend to generate undesirable factors such as doubt, infidelity, betrayal of trust, emotional disconnection and ultimately result to absolute split-up.
If you are in a long distance relationship and you have been finding it difficult to manage this relationship in other to keep it healthy, Here are the six key ingredients you need for the success of your distant relationship.

1 . Pliability

This is an act of being flexible in the relationship. There will always be changes due to distance especially if you are being apart for the first time. Flexibility enable you to adapt to any form of change that might be created by Distance.
For example; your partner recently got a scholarship to study abroad and he/she had to travel for a period of 3 years. This likely changes certain things in the relationship. Your ability to adapt to these new entities will make it easier for you to thrive in the relationship.

2. Reassurance

In a romantic relationship, reassurance is almost synonymous to reminisce. Constantly Reassuring your partner of your feelings for him/her is a form of reminder that regardless of the distance between you two, your feelings have not changed. You still love him/her with the same energy, you still care and if you had your chance, you would be with him/her at all times.
Reassurance eliminates all forms of doubt and insecurity. It bring about peaceful coexistence and ultimately result to the serenity of the minds of both partners in the relationship.

3. Friendship

The light of every relationship is friendship. This is why most people advice others to always choose their friends for a relationship.
In distant relationship, the physical intimacy, dates and other forms of romance has disappeared. Friendship is all that is left to keep the light on. This friendship you have with your partner will help you rekindle old sparks and keep the bond stronger regardless the barrier.

4. Communication

The key to every successful relationship is communication. This is why I always make emphasis on it.
In a Long distance relationship, new forms of vulnerability and insecurities are likely to settle in. Time like this, keeping quiet would only worsen the situation. This is why you are advised not to always keep quiet.
Discuss those feelings, express yourself and let your partner understand all of your insecurities. This will enable mutual understanding of each other’s feelings and amendments will be made where necessary.

5. Accountability

It is one thing to communicate and it another thing to own up to mistakes when they are pointed out during communication. There are people who get very defensive when their mistakes are pointed out. This defensiveness in long distance relationships usually frustrate conflict resolution
When your partner talk to you about your mistakes, rather than being defensive, try to see from his/her perspective, own up to those mistake and apologize. It’s a lot easier than prolonged argument.

6. Get bus

Get yourself busy please! Find creative means to make a balance between your relationship and your personal life. This can be achieved by acquisition of new skills, getting new hobbies or making daily routines for productivity.
You don’t always have to keep your romantic relationship in your head at all times. Get your mind, body and soul engrossed in some other things too. This way, your partner’s absence and busy schedule would not affect you mentally.
After all said, long distance relationships are difficult to handle but it is not impossible to thrive well if you find yourself in one. Learning and implementing the above points will make your distant relationship a healthy one.

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