9 easy ways to keep a man in a relationship


In a romantic relationship, men usually want to go extra miles just to make sure his woman feel loved, cared for and appreciated. However, women on the other hand often lag behind in the showing of affection department. This is because a woman gets too carried away by receiving everything that her man has to offer and tend to forget that there’s need for reciprocation.
Although, we already know that there is a possibility that the relationship was initiated by the man and he probably have to do everything in his power in order to win her over but As long as the woman has consented to it and she loves him just as much, it is her duty to also make an effort in keeping her man.
For a relationship to actually thrive, there has to be mutuality in everything. The affections, efforts, gestures, and other services should be both held and felt in common. This helps create a balance in the relationship between the two people involved.
As a woman in the relationship, your partner is entitled to get as much affection, effort and gestures that he extend towards you. Although there might be instances where you do not know exactly the things you can do for your man to feel loved and appreciated.
Below are 10 things you can do for your man in a relationship to keep his heart locked on yours forever.

1 . Love him unconditionally

People in love usually claim to love each other unconditionally but how so? When you’re in a relationship with a man, he should feel your love for him regardless of what the condition might be. Show him how much you love him, both in your words and in actions.
During tough times, be his peace and lift him up with kind words. These are the conditions; that you love him when everything is sweet and you still keep the same feelings when things gets hard.

2. Be spontaneous

It is not only a man’s job to extend spontaneous romantic gestures at all times. You should do the same too. You can plan dates, go on trips with him, give him random kisses, hug him from behind, be flirty, randomly buy him gifts or try something new. This helps you strengthen your intimate bond and create room for more intimacy.

3. No ridiculous requests

There are things you know deep within yourself that your man cannot afford, you should avoid requesting those things from him. There should be limits to what you ask for from your man. Ridiculous requests makes a man feel like he’s financially unfit to be with you.

4. Create time for him

If you have a job that demands most of your time, there are chances that you don’t get to spend much time with your man. In situations like this, you can create a specific moment to always check-in during the day. And if you live together, you have nights and weekends too. Dedicate some time for your partner.

5. Be his best friend

Nothing gives a man as much peace as the fact that he has a friend and a support system all incorporated in his woman. You should always be there to help, support and encourage him. A relationship should be built with both romance and friendship.

6. Compliment him

Women often forget this particular one. Complimenting your man gives him a lot of confidence and ultimately makes him feel good about himself. Tell your man how good his smile is, how stunning he looks, or how perfect his shirt looks on him. He has been putting so much smiles on your face, you should do the same.

7. Appreciate him for all he do

Appreciate your man for all the things that he has done for you, both the smallest of them and the ones he went extra miles for. This encourages him to do more. You should also appreciate the things he do for his family too. Men appreciates being appreciated.

8. Give him room to express himself

Always give him a chance to speak, to express himself and most importantly, listen to him. You should never invalidate someone else’s feelings, let alone your man. It is very hurtful.

9. Apologize when you are wrong

That egoistic behavior of not apologizing is becoming quite old. When you do something wrong to someone, nothing should stop you from apologizing. Even if you don’t have the courage to say it to him in person, you can write it out on a piece of paper and place it where he’d see it. Your actions should also reflect your remorse too. You cannot tell a person that you are sorry yet your action says otherwise.
In a Relationship, everything should be synergic and symbiotic. When your partner extend gestures towards you, you should also endeavor to do the same. This is what creates intimacy.

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