7 Secret Tips for men on a first date with a woman


First dates might seem like walking on ice considering the fact that you have to be extra careful not to make a bad first impression especially if you’re the man in the date. You wouldn’t want to mess your first chance to actually get to know your potential partner.
As a man, you probably have initiated the date. This automatically mount about 70% of it’s responsibility on your shoulder. And you definitely want to sweep her off her feet.
The secret key to a perfect first date is confidence. While on the quest to make a good first impression, here are important tips you must learn in order to boost your self confidence on a first date.

1 . Dress to impress

Your appearance says a lot about who you are, this is why it is said that you should dress according to how you would like to be addressed. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to appear tacky and unkempt on a first date.
While going on a date with your potential significant other, You might not be able to afford luxurious outfits. The god news is ; you don’t have to wear something overly expensive. Just polish yourself up, Keep your look simple but let it leave a statement that you’re not here to play.
Make sure that whatever you’re putting on is comfortable and most importantly, dress appropriately. You wouldn’t want to be seen in a beach wearing complete cooperate. You’d look funny and your date will feel embarrassed. Neither of you want that to happen.

2. Be yourself

The utmost key to self confidence is being yourself. When you are yourself, you feel more comfortable all through the date. It is your comfort that builds your confidence up.
Be whoever you truly are, act naturally and do not say things that are not true about yourself. Bringing a new habit to a date or being what you are not all in the name of impressing your date would only create a problem for you in future.
Once you give a different picture of yourself to your potential woman, it will be a huge problem for you to keep up and for her to accept who you actually are. On the first date and every other dates, be original!

3. Choose a place you can afford

I know you would like to go all extravagant to keep your Mr romantic status but really you don’t have to break your account or go in debt just to do all that. The aim of a date is for you two to get to know each other better and ultimately to build up a connection.
You should always pick a place where you can afford especially if you’re the one that initiated the date. In a situation where she picked the location and you’re not sure whether or not you can afford it, my brother, look the place up and be sure it is within your means. And if it’s not, let her know.

4. Don’t be late

There are cases where you both agree to meet at the location. Try as much as possible not to be late, you should in fact strive to get to the place before her.
When a woman gets to the date location before the man, it makes her feel very uncomfortable. It might not matter to you but it does to her. Going late to a date venue might leave a bad first impression of you.

5. Keep your questions simple

During the date, you have to keep all your questions simple. Don’t make her feel uncomfortable with unnecessary questions and questions that doesn’t have anything to do with either of you.
Avoid asking too much of personal questions, unless of course she doesn’t mind. Also, as much as you want to seem very smart, don’t make your partner seem dumb while doing that.

6. Avoid unnecessary physical contacts

You cannot just touch a woman out of the blues, and expect that she’d smile at you in return. Women find this very annoying. For heaven’s sake it’s a first date, you’re both trying to get comfortable with each other. Don’t touch her unless you have a very good reason to do that.
But if she leads you on, then why not? However, you have to be very mindful of whatever body language of hers that you’re interpreting to yourself. If you’re not sure of her body language, don’t do it.

7. Do not start a sensual conversation

Whatever you do, do not start up a sensual conversation with a woman you’re on a first date with. Allow her to start it if she wants, then you can go ahead and play along. You should certainly not start one.
Some women are not comfortable with having a sensual conversation with a man they’re just trying to get along with. Until the comfort is mutual, keep every sensual conversation aside.
First dates are not as overwhelming as you think, so long you’re doing it right. However, you should have it in mind that not after every first dates results to another one but it definitely determines whether or not you’ll get another chance to go on second and more dates. This is why you must make sure to do it right.

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