6 Important Tips you must note while dating an introvert.


Important Tips you must note while dating an introvert.
Certain attributes such as :Reserved, shy, detached, inwardly, restrained, non-sociable, reticent, lonely, or even seclusive likely pops up in your mind when you hear the mention of an introvert. However, One of the most important attribute of an introvert that we don’t talk about more often is ‘Self-awareness’.
Before I forge ahead with this, let me briefly explain to you who an introvert is.
An introvert is a person who is reserved with both opinions and emotions and place more attention on his or her inner environment rather than the outside world. In other words, an introvert is a self-aware being.
Self awareness is a rare skill but almost every introvert posses this attribute. According to psychologists, “Self-awareness is the ability to pay attention to oneself, actions, emotions, thoughts and how they align with one’s internal standards”. That said, this ability of introverts enable them to impartially evaluate themselves and effectively manage their own emotions.
This attribute of an introvert helps them to justly control certain emotional situations, make better decisions, communicate very briefly but effectively, avoid assumptions by keenly observing and understanding contexts & perspectives of others thereby having power over the result of most situations.
It is important to know and understand introverts in order to avoid difficult situations and misjudgments if you have an Introverted partner.
Dating an introvert is somewhat difficult to handle considering the fact that they do not like to communicate their feelings and it can be a lot to handle while you try to understand these feelings, moods, emotions and the few words they let out.
However, to be able to keep a thriving relationship with your Introverted partner, these few tips among numerous others are what you need to know;

1 .Make yourself a safe space

It is quite obvious that you are not just in a relationship with an introvert but you have also become your Introverted partner’s favorite person. To easily keep this position, it is best to make yourself the person your partner meets when there is need to let out a bit of emotions.
This is easily achieved if you are an emotionally intelligent person that understands what your partner need at whichever emotional status he or she might be. This makes your partner comfortable enough to let out different forms of feelings and vulnerability to you.
However, an Introverted partner is usually emotionally Independent. So If he/she chooses not to let out emotions but prefer to handle things alone, don’t try force it. Just be the safe space that might be needed.

2. Allow your partner to Have a ‘Me Time’

An introvert usually feel the need to occasionally stay silent once a while in order to recharge his energy and process everything that goes on around him. This is what I call a ‘Me Time’
At this moment, your introverted partner tend to seclude himself temporarily by staying quietly and observing keenly in order to revitalize his energy and get it ready to relate with others effectively. During this ‘Me Time’ it would be best for the both of you if you respect the silence. Get yourself comfortable with it and let him have his moment.

3. Be patient and considerate

Considering the unique personality an introvert posses, it gets quite draining and tedious while trying to understand his moods, opinions and emotions. It is not new that an introvert is always slow to make decisions, reveal opinions and emotions. For you to win on this one, you will have to be extra patient with your partner.
Extert more of your energy into listening and observing rather than speaking and judging too quickly. This will help you become more considerate with your judgement and opinions about your partner.

4. Be Flexible.

Flexibility is very significant while you are in a relationship with an introvert. For your relationship to thrive, you should be flexible enough with your opinions, nature and personality. Be willing and available for change.
Dating an Introvert is virtually equal to being dynamic in nature. Regardless of your personality, it is best that you are available for change and be able to adapt to the ambience of an extrovert if you are dating one.

5. Be mindful of what you say and how you behave.

As we know, an introvert is an equivalence of an overthinker. For someone who thinks much, observe more yet say less, it is not a surprise that he or she is likely to be very sensitive. For this reason, It is very easy to irritate or hurt your Introverted partner without even knowing it. This is why it is advisable to mind the things you say and how you behave towards them.
It is said that when two people are in love, they gradually get very comfortable with each other and there will be times when they say things without thinking first. This is very different for Introverts. Regardless of what he feel for you, an Introverted partner will always think and process everything before saying it to you. This is why you must do the same in order to avoid hurting his/her feelings unknowingly.

6. Don’t be intrusive

Your Introverted person is likely to be super protective of his/her personal space and gets utterly irritated when someone else interrupts, disturbs or cause hinderance to the serenity of the ambience in this space.
There is a possibility that your partner finds you intrusive without your knowledge because he/she doesn’t know how best to let you know. To avoid this, you should occasionally seek permission before doing certain things like asking if your partner would like to have a video call before placing one, if he/she likes to have you around for the day before you visit, or do any other thing that probably involve being together in same space for a while.
It is also important to ask questions to find out if there is anything you do that your Introverted partner does not like. This will not only make you realize your intrusive habits but also create an avenue for effective communication between you two.
Ultimately, an Introverted partner is merely the best partners for you if you want a relationship with a critical observer, effective decision maker and deeply insightful and sensitive judge of character. In my opinion, Introverts are like superheroes without capes. Perhaps they have capes, they don’t wear them because they like to feel invincible. So if you find yourself an Introverted partner, Lucky you!

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