5 Common causes of relationship failure


Everyone in a relationship would swear with the certainty that there’s no partner as perfect as theirs. Along the line, when you start to experience the rough path in the relationship, your notion changes. You begin the see the imperfections of both your partner and your relationship as a whole. These imperfections adversely result to the failure of that relationship.
No relationship is perfect. Although it might seem perfect from start but change is inevitable. It only take a matter of time for it to prevail. That said, you must understand that this constant entity (change) is not the only reason why relationship fails. There are even instances where you get blindfolded by heavy emotions that you fail to notice the red flag that your partner has been waving even before the beginning of the relationship. Subsequently, this red flag result to relationship failure.
More often, relationship failures do not just prevail, it come gradually till both people involved are completely drifted apart. Having to lose a person you have built a relationship with can be tough especially on one’s mental health. However, knowing the reasons for failures in relationship enable you to avoid the problem easily. The knowledge also help you to navigate your attention effectively when you notice this drifting apart in your relationship.
Here are 5 Common reasons why a relationship fails:

1. Disloyalty

When we hear the mention of relationship failure, first thing that comes to mind is disloyalty. This is because disloyalty is one of the biggest reason behind most relationship failure stories that we hear.
Disloyalty is a quality of someone who is unfaithful to his or her partner. When a person is voluntarily involved in a form of sexual and romantic relations with another person other than his or her partner thereby betraying the trust and breaking the promises that was made to his/her partner, such person is a disloyal person.
Disloyalty usually starts in an order of secret keeping, dishonesty, unreliability, falsity and then betrayal.

2. Incompatibility

This is the inability of two people involved in a relationship to harmonize due to the adverse effect of their differences in nature and preferences.
A Romantic relationship might fail due to the differences in sex drives, mode of communication, love languages, life ambitions, personalities, or even sense of humor.
Albeit the fact that you do not need to share exact form of interests as your partner, not having any form of interest at all can also result to relationship failure.
There is also a possibility that you and your partner do have a lot of things in common but there is still a particular entity that neither of you can bring yourselves to share a common interest on. For instance; you and your partner have similar mode of communication, principles and even life ambitions but your partner is a big fan of BDSM . In fact, he can only enjoy sex when it is rough, when someone is being tied up and vigorously spanked. While you on the other hand prefer your sexual activity to be slow, soft, gentle and relaxing. These are completely two different preference and it is somewhat difficult for one person to compromise for the other, hence the relationship failure.

3. Disregard for each other’s feelings

Disregarding your partner’s feeling is an act of dismissing and invalidating his/her feelings. It is sometimes seen as disrespect.
Disregarding someone’s feeling might not even be a verbal form. Sometimes, you can disregard your partner’s feelings by rolling your eyes, pressing your phone or hissing when your partner is expressing how he/she feels.
Although this act does not directly lead to relationship failure but making it a habit does.

4. Lack of Sexual intimacy

One of the most significant factor of every successful romantic relationship is sexual intimacy. That’s right! Sex. It is very important.
Sexual intimacy helps bind you and your partner strongly together and also loosen all forms of tension in the relationship. Without sexual intimacy, a relationship can easily crumble because this factor also enable physical and mental connectivity between the two people involved.

5. Extreme Jealousy

Jealousy might seem cute at first but when it gets too much, both people involved in the relationship starts to get uncomfortable.
Before we paddle on, I’ll like to first establish that it is totally normal and okay to feel jealous when your partner is getting too close to someone else. However, what is not okay is feeling baselessly jealous or being constantly constantly suspicious of your partner especially when he/she has done nothing wrong to warrant your mistrust.
The fact that one person doesn’t feel trusted and the other person doesn’t trust his/her partner eventually result to relationship failure.
Finally, as much you would like to compromise for the sustenance of your relationship, it is important to note that there are levels to everything that a person can accept in a relationship. Everyone wants a partner who is loving, loyal, compatible, respectful, trustworthy and have regards for his/her feelings.

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