
I know there’s this particular guy that’s been all over your business for a while now. And deep down, you’re beginning to feel his spark in your heart winks.
Okay, now calm down. I understand you still have questions hovering around in your mind. Doubts perhaps. But I assure you, that is very normal. It’s totally okay to have those thiny tiny doubts once a while when it comes to the opposite gender. I mean, he is neither your brother nor your father, it might be a bit difficult for you to completely let him into your heart. This is why I’ll be telling you which right boxes to tick in order to overcome your doubts.


Have you ever have to wonder if you are able to emotionally and physically connect with a person?
This connection might depend on how long you have known a person and how important you are to the other person. This is so important in relationships because it is this connection that creates the bond between you two and nobody want to end up dating or married to someone with whom you’re not emotionally connected. This is a lot easier to fix during mere dating or courtship but marriage? Things might have gone too far and in worse cases, you both might need therapy to fix it ; that is if you even detect the problem in time.
This why it is quite very significant to have a partner you have a connection with. This connection likely occurs naturally, while some needs serious divine intervention; Nah, Just kidding. Connection is beyond mere physical touch. It is a measure of how you feel when he hold your hands, how attracted is he to you, how attentive is he, his sensitivity towards you and everything else that concerns you, how much he understands your mental & emotional status and lastly how he tends to their needs. If you’re certain that all these are okay from his side then he is a perfect fit for you.
That said, it is important to understand that connection is a two-way thing. For you to actually connect with someone, you should also be able to do the same things he does to connect with you. Place your attention to how much you care for his emotional and mental status, how you easily tend to it’s needs, how attentive you are to him, your sensitivity when it come to matters that concerns him, etc. It’s all reciprocation. If you’re able to truthfully reciprocate his energy, then there’s a connection there.

2. Tenacity

Women likes to be chased, they say. But is it actually about the long term chasing just to persuade you or the persistence in energy?
This persistence should be an effort he makes upon making you understand the reason why you should be with him. This is when you know who he truly is. How much he cares and to what extent he can go. Although it might get a little difficult to know if you he is genuine or not. This is why the persistence in his actions is what to look at.
However, For a man to continuously seek your attention, you have to note that there will be a point when he gets tired. Some might decide to give up and ghost you completely. While others might just give you a bit of space. It all depends on his ability to detach easily.
In order not to lose someone you actually like, it is best not to make the chase the too long and frustrating for him. If you like him, let him know you do.
3. Love Language

While We talked about Emotional connection, it is also very crucial to know and understand our own love language. Know what you want and how you like to be treated. Technically, understand all that works for you.
Everyone speak different love languages. When you understand what works for you and then you pay attention to the love language your potential man speaks, you will be able to tell if you’re compatible or not.
In situations where you both speak differently, you can make him understand what you your love languages are. Whether it is gifts, attention, a bit of space, whatever it is, just get him to know what works for you.

4. Emotional intelligence

Either friendship, relationship or marriage, nothing beats an emotionally intelligent partner.
Who is an emotionally intelligent partner?
An emotionally intelligent partner is a partner that understands, translates, analyze and attend to your emotions & their needs effectively when you show it to them. A partner who know the right things to say to you and have the right answers to you emotional questions. It’s more like someone who knows how to love you.
An emotionally unintelligent partner is a big time deal breaker and no one wants to settle for someone who doesn’t know how to cater for your emotional needs.

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