15 Basic Questions To Ask Him On First Date


They say a journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step. Same as the journey to forever begin with a first date. First dates with a potential partner is initiated essentially for you to get to know the personalities, background, principles, clinchers and deal breakers of this person. Also, This is the only chance you get to make a proper first impression.
However, going out on a first date with a man is usually tedious considering how much you need to put together as a woman to make a proper first impression of yourself.
Generally, women place more of their attention on finding the perfect dress for the first date. After having to decide that, your next headache is knowing the right questions to ask on the date. You wouldn’t want him to ask all the questions. Iis a date, not an interview, right?
This is why it is important to take note of few questions you can ask a man on the first date in order for you to get to know him better and not create an awkward moment for the both of you.
Here are 15 questions you can ask your potential partner on the first date.

  1. His full name
    You’re probably wondering why it matters at all. Besides, you already know his first name, right?
    But really, you’re on a date with him to get more familiar with each other. You wouldn’t want to return home without knowing his full name. It would give you a slight idea of who his family is. And if he’s from a popular home, you get to know that too. Knowing his full name also give you a sense of safety.
  2. His occupation
    It is also important for you to know his source of income. It generally give you the possible idea of his financial status (if it matters to you).
  3. His childhood stories
    This gives you an insight of what his childhood looked like and the kind of upbringing that he was given as a child.
  4. His closest friend
    Asking about his closest friend enables you to understand the things that interest him in a person.
  5. Favorite music Artists
    When he tells you who his favorite music artists are, it allows you to have an idea of his tastes in music. Like they say, your taste in music says a lot about your personality.
  6. His future ambitions
    His future ambitions get you to know whether or not your plans align with his.
  7. What his weekends look like
    This is asked basically to get to know the things he does during his free time.
  8. His ideal woman
    I know you don’t want to seem too desperate but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with asking who an ideal woman of a man is. This gives you an intuition of your suitability for him.
  9. How his last relationship ended
    As a woman, you’re likely to get very curious about the past relationships of a potential man. It is totally okay to ask him what led to the end of his last relationship.
  10. Does he still talk to his ex
    Well, we all say to ourselves that exes are not enemies. Keeping in touch with his ex might not be comfortable for you considering the possibility of him having issues with moving on. You won’t want to be stuck with a man who is stuck with his ex. If it will bother you, ask now!
  11. How often he interact with his family.
    You don’t want to end up with a man who doesn’t have a good relationship with his family. Besides, a man who treats his family well will surely treat his woman in the same manner.
  12. His deal breakers in a relationship
    Everyone has their likes and dislikes. There are certain attributes, habits and behaviors that everyone cannot put up with regardless of how flexible the person might be in nature. This is why you must know the deal breakers of your potential partner.
  13. How does he react to anger
    There are lots of men out there that have anger management problem. As a woman, you wouldn’t want to fall a victim. Asking this particular question will let you know whether or not you need to run as far as possible.
  14. Love languages
    This gives you the complete insight of how he likes to be treated as well as how he treats his partner.
  15. His vices
    Literally everyone have at least one habit that they know is not exactly virtues but we all know that a habit is a habit, Either good or bad. When he tells you his vices, you get to know if they’re things that you tolerate or not.
    First dates might be awkward especially if you’re the kind that suddenly get blank the moment you set eyes on someone that you are attracted. However, it is also your duty to spice things up, not just the man’s. This is one of the reason why the men are left to keep asking questions thereby making it seem like an interview rather than a date.
    The intent of a date is for you two to mutually get to know yourselves. So queen, don’t just sit there to answer his questions. Satisfy your curiosities too.

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