13 Signs that he’s no longer into you


Your pretty head has probably been stressing over what exactly went wrong with your man. What have you done? What changed? Does he no longer want you? Could there be another woman in the picture now? All these questions are definitely sponsored by lack of communication.
Lack of communication is one of the biggest flag bearer of a relationship problem. If there was a good communication, you wouldn’t be left to wonder on your own in the first place.
Before getting right with the signs, it is important that you understand that the new behavior of your man is likely to be related to other factors other than you and the relationship between you two.
These factors could be the fact that he’s going through something else probably at work, financial instability, family issues or problem within his circle of friends.
These changes can also be the fact that he couldn’t keep up with the attitude he adopted to impress you or that he’s a passively aggressive person and he is mad at you for a reason. Being angry with you does not necessarily imply that he’s no longer into you but passive aggression is how best he expresses himself.
Having said that, there are still chances that he’s beginning to lose grip of his emotional attachments towards you and these is why you should look through the signs and body languages.
These signs include;

  1. Hostility
    Your supposed better half has become very antagonistic towards you. In both his words and actions, you can sense resentment and anger. From the tone at which he speaks to you to every gesture that he extends. What is even bothersome is the fact that this hostility is extended to you alone.
  2. Easily gets offended
    Everything you say is a problem, everything you do is an offense. Your soft and affectionate man now picks up a fight over anything and everything.
  3. No apology, no remorse
    At the point, your man constantly tramples on your boundaries or hurt your feelings. He became very insensitive towards those feelings. He stops apologizing for his wrongs and when you point them out to him, she doesn’t show any atom of regret or remorse.
  4. Feels like you’re walking on a bubble
    You become extra careful not to hurt his feelings or get him provoked. This feels entirely like walking on a bubble, the slightest mistakes would burst this bubble and cause your man to flame up.
  5. He stops touching you
    If your man was a touchy and clingy type, he suddenly stops touching you. Your body becomes unattractive to him.
  6. Avoids hanging out with you
    He tends to make a lot of excuses at this point. You make plans to hang out together but every single time he comes up with an excuse that something else has gotten in the way. He bring up excuses to avoid dates, visiting you or even letting you go to his place. He’s not just physically available anymore.
  7. Avoids having sex with you
    Whenever you are both together and you try to initiate something sensual, he tells you that he’s not in a good mood. And when you try to get him into the mood, it all feels like you’re forcing ait.
  8. Doesn’t reach out
    At this point, you feel like you’re the only person in the relationship who reaches out and even when you do, sometimes he’s unavailable. He stops to take your calls, stops texting, no replies, doesn’t reach out even in the slightest manner.
  9. He stops complimenting your looks
    A man only compliments your looks after he actually looks at you right? There you have it, he’s not even looking! He suddenly stops finding you attractive let alone compliment your looks. Rather he attempt to put you down sometimes.
  10. You’re not part of his plans
    When he make plans for the day, or even in the nearest future, he either include his friends or family, and there’s no spot for you to fit in at all. You’re simply not included in any of his plans.
  11. He doesn’t care about your feelings
    Your feelings at this point is insignificant to him. His mouth doesn’t seem to have filters anymore, he tells you the most insensitive things that even when you break into tears, he simply doesn’t care. So long you get to hear what he has to say, how you feel about it does not matter.
  12. You start to question your adequacies
    Let’s face it, when a man puts you in a position that you start to question your adequacies for him, then he has definitely lost grip of his feelings for you. You will always feel adequate and perfect for a man who entirely adores you. If that changes, his feelings for you definitely changed first.
  13. Too busy to communicate
    There’s literally no communication between you two. Whenever you try to initiate one, he’s rather engrossed in something else other than listening to what you have to say.
    At this point, your man who used to be as keen as a bean has become too busy give you a listening ear let alone reflect on the things that you have said.
    The bottom Line
    Even though your these signs are probably pointing to the fact that your significant other is beginning to lose the soft spot that he had for you, the signs are not exactly an indication that he’s no longer into you. There are plenty other factors that can influence the change in his attitude.
    To actually find out exactly where the problem lies rather than stressing yourself over your imagination, it is advised that you initiate communication by asking him questions. This will raise his interest in opening up to you.
    Finding out what is going on with him will help you navigate yourself properly.

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