How to Tell When a Woman Is Into You.


Women are usually swayed by how soft a man makes the move, from his dress sense,to the approach and manner at which he does everything he do to make the woman his.
However, it is difficult on the man’s side trying to puzzle out if he has done enough to sway the woman of his choice.
Figuring out what is going on in a woman’s mind is a kind of uneasy task for a man especially with the fact that her mind and body language are likely to speak different languages.
A woman’s way of showing her interest in a man is so confusing and dynamic in a way that, it is possible for her body language to keep motivating your energy that you are even convinced of an emotional rapport between you two, while her words keeps telling you otherwise. Women are that easy to understand Winks
Dear king, if you are still wondering whether or not she is interested in you, these 10 signs are the signs to look at.

1 .Takes your call

When a woman is interested in you, you become her antidote, always yearning for your voice. she always want to speak with you. She makes herself available whenever you call her and when she is busy, she always leave you a message or call you back whenever she is free.

2. Avoids eye contact

When a woman you are interested in, finds it difficult to keep an eye contact with you, she definitely likes you.
Every regardless of how smart or strong they seems, she posses the tendency to find it difficult to keep an eye contact with a man she is emotionally attracted to. In an attempt to hide the fact, she’s usually found swirling her hair, twisting a part of her dress or do anything else just to make sure you don’t notice her struggles.

3. Doesn’t reply late.

This is particularly an obvious indicator that she is very much interested in you.
She is always available to chat with you and her replies are just as energetic as yours. A woman who is not interested in you does not keep up with any conversation with you. A lady who is interested in you ,will take less seconds to reply your message ,regardless of how busy she may be.

4. Reaches out first.

When a woman likes you, you become her priority the need to always want to check up on you, to make sure you’re alright or generally to fill herself in on your daily activity either by texting or calling even before you make the attempt.

5. Body Language.

Do not ignore this particular one. If she constantly make deliberate efforts just to have physical contacts with you even though her efforts might seem involuntary to you. Pay attention to everything that concerns her body language.
A woman that is interested in you adores your body. I know a lot of people feels this happen ink with a man, but trust me, it happens in a woman’s world too. She always wants to touch you, not intimately but she would really love to touch you.

6. She tells her bestie about you

You see, a woman’s diary is her female best friend. This is the person she discusses everything to. Particularly the things that matters to her. She seeks opinion, advice and validation from her bestie. So if she tell her bestie about you, she is definitely interested in you, amongst other options.

7. Wants you to meet her family.

One of the difficult tasks for a woman is introducing a man to her family. This is because she is aware of the serious interrogation that awaits her afterwards so she doesn’t want to mess it up. If she wants you to meet her family, then she has thoroughly thought about you and she is sure of the fact that she likes you enough to want to introduce you to her family.

8. If she defends you

When a woman likes you, she tries twice as hard to make sure her friends does not judge you wrongly. She constantly speaks for you in you absence, just to put you in a good image. A woman who loves you will always want to all about you and the good sides of you.
Every woman has a weakness when it comes to her female friends. They easily get into her head and influence her decisions.
When it comes to matters that concerns you, she tries very hard to present a perfect insight of your personality to her friends.

9. Want to know every slightest detail of you.

A woman who is interested in you turns your business into hers. She tends to ask a lot of questions about. Every single detail matters to her. What you did, who you met, what you ate, where you went, with whom you went and every other things.
Every detail is important to her. It is her own way of telling you that she is interested in everything about you. Do not ignore this sign, fill her in. A woman that has interest in you, seeks for sense of belonging. The only she can be assured is when she is aware of who you are relating with.

10. She creates time for you

The clearest indication that a woman is interested in you is when she always make up time for your company. When a woman likes you, she’s never too busy for you.
She makes herself available to talk, to see or hang out with you regardless of her busy schedule. Just like the saying goes “people make up time for what is important to them”
So kings, next time you have to wonder if a woman is interested in you or not, just relax and pay attention to these necessary signs instead. Women are not as difficult to read as many have assumed. the signs are always there. It may not necessarily be all of the list above, but 90 percent should play in your head when the need to know your place in a woman’s life arises.

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