10 Points to consider in a woman before starting a relationship with her


As a man, when you meet a woman you are really attracted to, you might want to have a romantic relationship with her and subsequently build something more meaningful.
This is why you must look beyond her physical appearance even though it is just as important as her other qualities that she might posses. This physical appearance is one of the top things that had attracted you in the first place; Her long hair, brown eyes, cute lips, soft skin and perfect body shape cannot be ignored. However, there are other qualities that she must posses for you to find her fit enough to have a romantic relationship with.
Here are other personality boxes you must make sure a woman tick before asking to be in a relationship with her.

1. Communication
The key to a successful relationship is easy communication. Communication builds connection and solve problems even before it arises.
Also, Her ability to freely open up to you determines how well you know her. And the things you know about her also determine if they’re good enough for you to want to have a relationship with her.

2. Consistency
A woman who is consistent in her actions, words, behavior and energy will indeed make an honest partner. When she maintain the same pattern of energy, it becomes very easy for you to put your trust in her and as well predict the outcome of doing so.
Consistency is a strong yardstick to a successful and healthy relationship.

3. Vices
I have always said that everyone has his/her vices and it is very normal. However, you can’t expect others to accept it. There are limits to what everyone can take.
If her vices are not acceptable by you, then please do not initiate a romantic relationship with her and then later try to force her to change. It wouldn’t be nice. However, if you both can talk about it first and then she’s ready to leave her vices behind then I say why not?

4. Relationship with her family
Every man wants a woman who would have a good relationship with his family. If she has a good relationship with her own family then having the same with yours wouldn’t be a problem.
However, this is not completely a benchmark to a good relationship with your family since you might not be sure of the reason behind the sickly relationship with her family. There’s absolutely nothing wrong in not having a relationship with one’s family so long there’s a good reason behind it.

5. Relationship with others
A healthy romantic relationship is likely to be determined by healthy relationship with other people. If she has a problem with everyone at all times, it’s just a matter of time for you to become one of her problems too.
Trust me you wouldn’t want to end up with a toxic woman. It will completely drain off every energy left in you. So be sure to check the relationship she has with her other people.

6. Kindness
A woman who is kind, generous or charitable to other people is definitely a compassionate, empathetic and Understanding partner.
Life is already hard, you deserve a woman who is kind both in her words and actions. A woman who always support and root for you.

7. Emotional intelligence
Nothing beats a person who knows what your emotional status requires at all times. This is why it is one of the boxes you must tick before considering a relationship with a woman. If she effectively manage her own emotions as well as others, then she’s definitely a keeper.

8. Ambitions
You know you’re already wasting your time if you find out that she’s not ambitious at all. It would be a parasitic relationship in future. A woman with no dreams, vision, aspirations or ambition is one who will leech off every single ambitions.
However, there are men who believe in building their woman. This is not discourage such men at all. You can in fact help a woman to navigate her attention towards being ambitious and being able to build something for herself .
Similarly, there are women that are very ambitious, this shouldn’t scare you off as a man. Rather, take it as a motivation to do better. After all said, the ambitions of a woman is just as important as every other qualities you look a before making the bold step.

9. Zodiac signs
If you’re do not believe in zodiac sign compatibility then you should definitely ignore this point. However, if you believe in Zodiac signs and the fact that it matters to find a woman who’s Zodiac sign is compatible to yours, then you should look into it. Besides, a man’s life is ruled by what he believes in.
Stick to your beliefs and make sure that both of your zodiac signs are compatible with each other.

10. Compassion
Compassion is a quality of someone whose affection is generated from empathy and sympathy. A compassionate woman is more or less like a pluperfect being because she has an ability to acknowledge your feelings, validate them and then treat you accordingly. Is there any beauty greater than that?
After all said, it is important to note that there’s no perfect human, no one has it all; Not even you. While choosing a woman who is a perfect fit for you, do not expect absolute perfection from her. Just a good percentage of the above qualities are enough yardstick for you to decide.

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